Date: Sun, 14 Aug 94 04:30:11 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #271 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Sun, 14 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 271 Today's Topics: F6FBB Support Mailing List Looking for DXCluster software Looking for MC13055 FSK chip Need Phone Number for Kantronics Packet Radio with apple LC ? PACTOR/AMTOR subbands...where? PCMCIA TNC? TM-733 Mods Needed. Windows 3.1 and Baycom Modem TCP/IP networking Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 07 Aug 94 20:29:26 MST From: agate!!gatech!!jobone!ukma!asuvax!ennews!stat! Subject: F6FBB Support Mailing List To: Welcome! You have joined the The purpose of this server is to provide Sysops and Networkers with tricks/tips/help and new software updates concerning the F6FBB bulletin board system. Exchange of UUENCODED files through the server is ok. Your Sysop for the server is Daniel J. Meredith, (, ( ---- To Send Mail To Be Distributed To All Subscribers: And Send Normal Subject And Text. ---- To REMOVE Yourself From This Server, Please Send Electronic Mail To: And Include The Command: unsubscribe f6fbb-list As The First Line of Your Message. ---- To ADD Yourself To This List, Please Send Electronic Mail To: And Include The Command: subscribe f6fbb-list As The First Line of Your Message. ---- Requests For HELP From A SYSOP - Send E-mail To: The F6FBB Server has been established to help Sysops and Networkers alike, in providing help and information in a timely manner. Sharing of software and other miscellaneous information via the server is quite alright. Best Wishes! Daniel J. Meredith Listowner F6FBB-LIST@STAT.COM \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Daniel J. Meredith |Internet: P.O. Box 44563 | Ax.25: Phoenix, Arizona |ListOwner: 85064-4563 ___|"ALL Comments Are My OWN, NOT My Employer" Voice : +1-602-809-7384 | BELL ATLANTIC MOBILE SYSTEMS Home & Fax : +1-602-956-2566 | Internet: Data PBBS : +1-602-912-0225 | Banyon: Daniel J. Meredith@CS_TEMPE@BAMASW --- Editor, HICNet Medical Newsletter Internet: FAX: +1 (602) 451-1165 Bitnet : ATW1H@ASUACAD ------------------------------ Date: 10 Aug 1994 18:10:26 GMT From:!!unogate!!usc!!!emory!!Ra.MsState.Edu! Subject: Looking for DXCluster software To: We have finally talked someone in our area to put up a DXCluster node. However, we don't have a clue as to what software is available. We really want to get shareware, but would probably settle for reasonably priced commercial software. If anyone has any information or pointers, please send them to me, or post them here. We are really looking forward to getting this online here. Thanks in advance, and see ya'll in Huntsville.. Craig -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig Lindsey - KC5AUG | My politics are simple: Always go right. If Internet:| you go left, you can never go right, and if Bitnet: cll4@msstate.bitnet| you go right, you never go wrong. -Grizzard Office: Allen 38 | Office Phone : (601)325-8553 | WWW page: ------------------------------ Date: 11 Aug 1994 05:42:37 GMT From:!!!!!!!agate!! Subject: Looking for MC13055 FSK chip To: Hi All: I am in the process of building n6gn's mircowave data link design. But there seems to be a severe shortage of Motorola part: MC13055 FSK Receivers that is needed for this project. I only need 2, but would like to get about 4 or 6, so I have some extras. I have tried several Motorola distributors and they all say the same thing: Due to heavy demand I will not be able to get that part for serveral months! I also tried many of the usual hobby outlets, but no luck. Does anyone have a few of there buggers laying around that I might buy? Thanks, Please respond to the following address: ------------------------------ Date: 11 Aug 1994 17:45 CDT From:!usc!!swrinde!!! Subject: Need Phone Number for Kantronics To: The phone numbers for Kantronics are: Order Number 913-842-7745 Tech Support 913-842-4476 (9-noon, 2p-5p Central) Fax Number 913-842-2021 BBS Number 913-842-4678 (300 - 19.2k, N81, 5p-8a M-F, all weekend long) -- Brad A. Killebrew N5LJV, EMT-B | Student of Computer Engr Technology President, University of Houston ARC | University of Houston, Texas Internet: | U of H Amateur Radio Club WB5FND AMPRnet : | Packet : | Box 85-T2, 4800 Calhoun, 77204-4083 AT&Tnet : 713-852-8523 Fax 852-2630 | For info, finger ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 18:20:22 From:!unogate!!usc!!!!!!!!sun4nl! Subject: Packet Radio with apple LC ? To: Hello there, does anyone know how to use a mac (lc) for packet radio, i.e. with the baycom or another modem? Are programms available on anon. FTP sites ? 73's Adrie. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 14:21:16 GMT From:!!hp-pcd!hp-cv!!psgrain!!!!! Subject: PACTOR/AMTOR subbands...where? To: Joe LaRosa ( wrote: : I am still an HF newbie and with the current state of the bands, it's not : easy for us newbies. Last night while scanning around what should be the : CW portion of the 40 meter band I heard a QSO between an Hawaiian station : and some foreign station. Als the Hawaiian station claimed he was going to : QSY back to a quiet spot he had found between two AMTOR subbands. : My question are two: : 1) How can a Hawaiian, which despite Dan Quayle not understanding is part of : the US, transmit phone in a non-phone portion of the band. It was Hillary Clinton who didn't think that Hawaii was or should be part of the US...because it interfered with health care. Dan Quayle knew better. -- Glendale, CA AB6WR ------------------------------ Date: 9 Aug 1994 12:19:43 GMT From: agate!!!!!ACM.ORG! Subject: PCMCIA TNC? To: Anybody know if there is a PCMCIA TNC product yet? -Brian ------------------------------ Date: 11 Aug 1994 12:57 CDT From: ucsnews!!!!!!eff!!!gatech!swrinde!! Subject: TM-733 Mods Needed. To: If this is a repost, sorry. I'm having some difficulty with my e-mail editor. I'm looking for the extended RF mods for the Kenwood TM-733 dual-band mobile radio, and also technical or operational tips. Thanks. -- Brad A. Killebrew N5LJV, EMT-B | Student of Computer Engr Technology President, University of Houston ARC | University of Houston, Texas Internet: | U of H Amateur Radio Club WB5FND AMPRnet : | Packet : | Box 85-T2, 4800 Calhoun, 77204-4083 AT&Tnet : 713-852-8523 Fax 852-2630 | For info, finger ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 09:22:14 GMT From:!!!agate!!gatech!!emory!rsiatl!ke4zv! Subject: Windows 3.1 and Baycom Modem TCP/IP networking To: In article <32ga9m$f1n@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> ei938@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Andrew J Lynch) writes: > >Packet Radio Folks, > >I have a question regarding Windows 3.1 or WFW and ham/packet radio: Is there a Windows or WFW driver available for the Baycom packt radio modem that would allow TCP/IP networking functions over packet radio? The problem with Baycom and Windows is that Baycom is dependent on precise processor timing to do bit banging, and heavily uses interrupts. Windows is a *cooperative* multitasker that doesn't do a good job of protecting memory and often doesn't allow precise timing because of ill behaved applications or heavy loads. So you get either very poor performance, or even hangs and crashes when you attempt to mate Baycom with Windows. If you must run Windows, a hardware TNC will give much fewer problems. Gary -- Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary 534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | | ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #271 ******************************